Updated every Friday 12:00 PM
March 27 - April 2nd
New Format...
...New times have come. Going to the theater is not an option for now. All of us fond of moving images are changing our habits and adjust to the new situation.
Since its inception, Cinelines has operated as a service to the Northern New Mexico community, highlighting the weekly new releases in our local theaters. Now, we'll have to focus on the new means by which we'll be replacing these privileged moments.
This is new territory. Like you, we'll learn to adjust and develop as we go. Many platforms already stream online. Choosing which one to promote or not will be a challenge. For starter, Cinelines will focus on the five major distributors that make the streaming landscape what it is today: Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Disney+, HBO. To replace our "alternative theaters" listing, we'll use a wild card. Channels that could be of interest to you because of the particular programs they promote, or just because we like what they're doing
Network releases don't come on a weekly basis but often, as soon as the product is done. For now, Cinelines will stick to its Friday weekly update routine and highlight films that for a reason or another may be worth your time and attention. You may have seen them already, or not. Maybe they're worth a second look, been discovered or watched again.
Last, Cinelines being a Northern New Mexico project, you're all welcome to join us in this new adventure, advise us, and help our community continue to enjoy the special moments that we all cherish watching our favorite film.
Wishing you all health, hope and warmhearted moments in this new adventure,
Jean Constant