Forever young...
The VFX team on “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” is no stranger to the intensive process of de-aging a known figure such as Nicolas Cage. For the film, the team was tasked to make Cage, who is 58 years old, appear about 20-25 years younger for the character of Nicky Cage. In order to create the effect, Lance’s team and CoSA VFX’s head of digital makeup Erik Bruhwiler used artificial intelligence to create a “template” of the actor’s face when he was younger based on footage from around that time. As expected, this process is extremely detailed even with the help of A.I. It takes hours of poring over every single detail of the actor’s face, changing any little discrepancy that may cause the viewer to notice the CGI.“It’s like cracking a safe,” Bruhwiler said. “You’re sitting there listening and trying to get that little subtle detail that finally clicks it together.”...
Have a pleasant Friday night at the movies,
Jean Constant