Happy Benduday...
The Galactic Standard Calendar refers to the measurement of time used across the entire galaxy. Since the universe of Star Wars already uses Hyperdrive technology to bypass relativity, the whole galaxy can use the same time measurement system without worrying about time dilation, a natural consequence of traveling faster than the speed of light. One day in Coruscant lasts 24 hours, just like it happens on Earth. However, it takes 368 standard days to fill a whole year on the planet instead of the usual 365 on Earth. Coruscant also splits days, months, and weeks in a totally different fashion. Each week in Coruscant lasts only five days: Primeday, Centaxday, Taungsday, Zhellday, and Benduday. And each month comprises seven weeks, or 35 days. One year in Coruscant has ten standard months, three one-week festivals, and three holidays, for a total of 368 days. No word of daylight saving time yet...
Jean Constant