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There is nothing more fulfilling than an ultra-specific Lego set. You’ve seen the Lego Central Perk building set, the “Seinfeld” apartment, complete with hidden superman stickers and a festivus pole, and perhaps most impressive, their colossal 6,000-piece “Lord of the Rings” Rivendell set. Now, Lego is delving into Gotham City with a new “Batman” boxed set, based off Tim Burton’s “Batman Returns.” The new 3,981-piece set, which will become available to purchase for $399.99 on June 8, is a highly detailed miniature version of DC’s famous Batcave — complete with Caped Crusader’s Batmobile, and clever functions and gadgets including the ability to move furniture, change images on the big screen, open a vault and open a door, and a light brick...
Have a pleasant Friday night at the movies,
Jean Constant