News from the film archives...
“Mrs. Doubtfire” director Chris Columbus revealed that 2 million feet of film was shot during the making of the 1993 comedy because Robin Williams improvised so much dialogue. The film is home to one of Williams’ most classic characters. He plays a recently-divorced actor who disguises himself as an elderly female housekeeper so that he can continue to see his children. “Early on in the process, he went to me, ‘Hey boss, the way I like to work, if you’re up for it, is I’ll give you three or four scripted takes, and then let’s play,'” Columbus remembered about working with Williams. “By saying that, what he meant was he wanted to improvise. And that’s exactly how we shot every scene. We would have exactly what was scripted, and then Robin would go off and it was something to behold.”...
Have a pleasant Friday night at the movies,
Jean Constant