The European Society for Mathematics and Arts (ESMA) purpose is to promote communication between the scientific, mathematical and computer science community and the public at large through artistic means. To achieve this goal, ESMA encourages the creation and implementation of projects and works of art (visual, architectural, musical, performing arts, etc.) inspired by mathematics and science in general, without discrimination. ESMA facilitates the exchanges of information and ideas through its website, publications, seminars and conferences, locally and internationally. ESMA offers a host of quasi-public intellectual and material properties to all interested in communicating scientific endeavor through art form manifestations. ESMA hopes to help raise awareness and interested in all areas related to its objectives. ESMA is open to any individual or institution that wish to support its objective, regardless of their nationality.
ESMA is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board elects an Executive Office and upon recommendation from the Office, appoints special committees for specific tasks, generally limited in time. The Board of Directors is elected by an assembly of all members of the organization. Each country and/or institution participating in the work of ESMA are represented on the Board. The individuals and institutions who participated to the creation of ESMA are de-facto part of ESMA first Board of Directors. The Executive Office prepares the agenda for the Board of Directors' meetings. This office is responsible for representing the organization with the public and various public and private institutions and for managing the Society's legal, financial and intellectual operation.
ESMA has two types of resources, artistic and financial: Artistic resources consist of works owned and archived in ESMA's inventory that the Society has received as donations, or has purchased. Financial resources consist of: - Collection of dues. - Revenues from sales and loans of works for which the amount is fixed by the Executive Board. - Grants awarded by public and private institutions supporting the objectives of ESMA.
APERY François, ARTMANN Benno, BENARD Luc, BRUTER Claude, CHARBONNEAU Philippe, COLONNA Jean-François, CONSTANT Jean, DARVAS Gyorgy, DENNER Richard, EMMER Michele, JEENER Patrice, KOZLOV Dmitri, LEHNING Hervé, LEYS Jos, LIMA António Pedro, MATT Andreas Daniel, MAYER Mikael, PALAIS Richard, PIC Sylvie, POENARU Valentin, POLTHIER Konrad, REDONDO BUITRAGO Antonia, RIPS Philippe, SULLIVAN John M, TARD François Paul Henri, VACHEZ Cyril. Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie. 75231 PARIS Cedex 05. FRANCE.
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