










Resource center









This area is hosting papers, documents, works and sotfware published by ESMA members and relevant to ESMA mission of promotion of Science and Art.

To facilitate your search, the content has been divided into sections: General, Mathematics, Arts ( broken into sub-sections Painting, Sculpture, Architecture), Music and Performing Arts. Each section is divided in 3 categories - recent publication, archived and classic - within which are references to written documents, media, and software. You are welcome to participate in the enrichment of the ESMA Library by sending comments and proposals to bibli@mathart.eu


DE -German | EN-English | FR - French


  • Recent publication
G-1 Publication

- FERGUSON, Helaman and Claire. Celebrating Mathematics in Stone and Bronze.Notices of the AMS, 57, 7 840-850. EN.

- GERDES, Paulus. TINHLELO, Interweaving Art and Mathematics. Colourful Basket Trays from the South of Mozambique” exhibits and analyses coloured circular winnowing baskets collected by the author since the end of the 1970s. Foreword by the Hon. Aires Aly, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mozambique. Lulu, 2010, 132 pp. colour. EN

- LEHNING, Herve. Art and the popularization of Mathematics. EN - FR

- Polthier Konrad. Mathematik und Kunst. Mitteilungen der DMV. 6-2010. DE.

- EMMER Michele. The Visual Mind, part I. MIT Press, Boston, 1993. EN

- EMMER Michele. The Visual Mind, part II. MIT Press, Boston, 2006. EN

- ISAMA 2011. Tenth Interdisciplinary Conference of the International Society of the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture. EN

- SKIADAS Christos H. Topics on chaotic systems. This volume includes the best papers presented at the CHAOS 2008 International Conference on Chaotic Modeling, Simulation and Applications. It provides a valuable collection of new ideas, methods, and techniques in the field of nonlinear dynamics, chaos, fractals and their applications in general science and in engineering sciences. EN

G-2 Media

- BRUTER, Claude.Bonne Année. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 Presentation for a lecture at the Oeben Middle School College, Paris. Dec. 12, 2011. FR

- CASSELMAN, AUSTIN & WRIGHT on UniverScience TV, issue #70. 2 minute video. Narration Jean Claude Ameisen. FR

- KNILL, Oliveri. Mathematics and Films. Over 140 titles database on mathematics in films. EN

- LEYS, Jos. Escher et les ordinateurs. PowerPoint presentation. FR. & EN.

G-3 Software

- NOVAK, Dani. "SeeLogo" . SL is a computer language that connects words and pictures. It is possible to go from words to a picture. By seeing the pictures and the words at the same time, you will come to understand mathematical ideas in a holistic and meaningful way. Dr. Novak cofounded an organization (www.familymath.org) which gives free workshops, organizes math days and free mathematical summer camps for children. EN

  • Archived publication

G-1 Publication

- ARTMANN Benno, A Roman Icosahhedron Discovered. AM. Math. Monthly, 103, 2, 1996, 132-133. EN

- ARTMANN Benno. Roman Dodecahedra. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 15, 2, 1993, 52-53. EN

- ARTMANN, Benno. Mathematical Motifs on Greek Coins. The Mathematical Intelligencer 12, 4, 1990 , 43-50. EN

- ARTMANN, Benno, STEWART, Ian. The Cloisters of Hauterive. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 13, 2, 1991, 44-49. EN

- BANCHOFF, Thomas F. Beyond the Third Dimension. W. H. Freeman and Co, Newx York, 1990. EN

- Collectif : Destin de l’Art, Desseins de la Science. Actes du Colloque A.D.E.R.H.M. Université de Caen, 24-29 Octobre 1986 (sous la direction de Didier Bessot, Yves Hellegouarc’h, Jean Le Goff) ADERHM 1991 ISBN : 2-9505640-0-3. FR

- CROMWELL, Peter C. Polyedra. Cambridge University Press, 1995. EN

- GHYKA, Matila C. Le Nombre d’Or. Gallimard, Paris, 1931-1959. FR - EN

- HOLDEN, Alan. Shapes, Space,and Symmetry. Columbia University ¨Press, 1971. EN

- HUYLEBROUK, D. - ARTMANN, B. - HAMMERLIN, G. - MOHRING, W. - BUSKES, G. The Liberal Arts. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 20,3, 1998, 40-46. EN
- MOHR, Manfred. A Programmed Esthetic. Modern Art Museum. 1971 exhibit catalog. FR.

- STEWART, Ian. The Cloisters of Hauterive. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 13, 2, 1991, 44-49. EN

- WELLS, D. Le dictionnaire Penguin des curiosités mathématiques. Eyrolles, Paris, 2000) FR - EN

- WEYL, Hermann. Symmetry. Princeton University Press, 1952 Symétrie et Mathématique Moderne, Flamarion, Paris, 1964. FR

G-2 Media

G-3 Software



  • Classics
G-1 Publication

G-2 Media

G-3 Software

DE -German | EN-English | FR - French


  • Recent publication
M-1 Publication

- DENNER Richard. Modèles centraux du retournement du cuboctaèdre. FR

- KOSLOV Dmitri. Knots and links as form generating structures. ESMA 2010 conference presentation EN

- LEHNING Herve. Un bouquet d'éllipses pour retourner la sphère (F. Apery) . FR

- MERCAT Michel. Entrelats educatifs. FR

- OSSERMAN, Robert. Mathematics of the Gateway Arch. Notices of the AMS, vol 57, 2, 2010, 220-229. EN

M-2 Media

- BRUTER Claude. Le théorème fondamental de l'Algèbre. WEB TV VIGDOR. FR

- CHERITAT, Arnaud. Site personel et animations mathematiques Java. FR EN

M-3 Software

- KALANTARI, Bahman. Polynomiography. Movie that shows what polynomiography is and how to use the online java applet so you can create your own images. EN

- MERCAT, Michel. Mathématical webcams
* The "expo" plug-in: For external screen (or video projector). When an image is detected the result appears on the external screen.

- MERCAT, Michel. Applications conformes. FR

- MOHAN SINGH, Jag and NARAYANAN, P J . Real-Time Ray-Tracing of Implicit Surfaces on GPUs. EN.

- THE JAVAVIEW PROJECT. JavaView. Javaview is a 3D geometry visualisation program. Window/Unix only. DE - EN

  • Archived publication
M-1 Publication

- BRUTER,  Claude. Sur la Nature des Mathematiques. FR

- BRUTER, Caude. Comprendre les mathématiques. Editions Odile Jacob. Paris, 1996 ("Votre livre mérite d'être lu et relu" : Gustave Choquet). FR

- CASSELMAN, Bill. Mathematical Illustrations. A Manuel of Geometry and Postscript, Cambridge University Press, 2005. EN

- Collectif : Les Grands Courants de la Pensée Mathématique (F. Le Lionnais Ed.), Albert Blanchard, Paris, 1962. FR

- Collectif : Pavages, Journées mathématiques X-UPS 2001 (Nicole Berline-Claude Sabbah Ed.) Editions de l’Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, 2001. FR

- Collectif : Mathematical Visualization in Art and Education (Claude P. Bruter ed. Springer, Berlin, 2002. FR

- COX Steven J. The shape of the Ideal Column. The Mathematical Intelligencer, vol.14, 1, 1992, 16-23. EN
- EG Models. Electronic archives of geometry models. EN

- FIELD, Michael & GOLUBITSKI, Martin. Symmetry and Chaos, A Search for Patterns in mathematics, Art and Nature. Oxford University Press, 1992. EN

- FOMENKO, Anatolij. Visual Geometry and Topology. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994. EN

- FRANCIS, G. K. A Topological Picture book. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987. EN

- GRUNBAUM, Branko & SHEPPARD, -G.C. Tilings and Patterns. An Introduction. W. H. Freeman and Co, New York, 1989. EN

- MUMFORD, David; SERIES, -Caroline; WRIGHT,David. Indra’s Pearls, The Vision of Felix Klein. Cambridge University Press, 2002. EN

M-2 Media

- POLTHIER, Konrad. Mobiles. EN

M-3 Software
- PALAIS, Richard. 3D XplorMath. Mathematic visualization software. MAC/PC. EN

  • Classics
M-1 Documents

- OLIVIER, Theodore. Archived references. FR

- OLIVIER, Theodore. Treaty of descriptive geometry . Paris : Carilian-Goeury et V. Dalmont, 1843-44. - 2 v. ; 28 cm and atlas of 2 p. ß., 96 pl. (diagrs.) 32 cm. - Content : 1. . Point, line and plan; 2. partie. Curves, curved surfaces, conic section and surfaces of second order. *Cote IHP : PB 818 45 I et II*. FR

Volume I compile texts from the two parts of the lecture and is dated 1843. Volume II includes the maps relating to the lectures and is dated 1844. It contains 42 illustrations for the first part (point, line and plan) created by the sculptor Hibon. The second part of the lecture includes 96 illustrations ( curves, curved surfaces, conic section and surfaces of second order sketched by Theodore Olivier and assembled by Hibon.

M-2 Media

M-3 Software

DE -German | EN-English | FR - French
Visualization 2D | Sculpture | Architecture


  • Recent publication
A-1. Documents

- ALEXANDERSON, Gerald L. Luca da Pacioli and Leonardo‘s drawings of polyhedra. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California. Bull. AMS, 47, 3, 553-556. EN

- ARSENAULT Marc - GOSSELIN Clément. M. Kinematic and static analysis of a 3-PUPS spatial tensegrity mechanism. Mechanism and machine theory, vol. 44, 1, 2009, 162-179. EN

- BRUTER Claude.  Initiation à la perspective. 59 pages expose on the géométry and light phenomena in perspective theories. 2011. FR

- BRUTER Claude. Fine Art to the service of Mathematics. SMF Gazette, 10-2011, # 130, 83-90. FR. How and by what means art can be an acceptable tool to increase interest in the exploration of the mathematical world. EN

- BRUTER Claude. Fine Art to the service of Mathematics. EMS Newsletter, Sept.2010. EN

- BRUTER Claude. An Introduction to the construction of some mathematical objects. 2010- EN

- BRUTER Claude.  Saverne conference. Relevance of mathematical objects in the esthetic environments: spirals, tesselation, surfaces. 69 pages - 2009. FR

-DARVAS, György. Symmetry Cultural-historical and Ontological Aspects of Science-Arts Relations. the Natural and Man-made World in an Interdisciplinary Approach Translated from the Hungarian by David Robert Evans ISBN: 978-3-7643-7554-6 A Birkhäuser book. EN

- DECOMITE, Francesco. A New Kind of Three-Dimensional Anamorphosis. EN

- DEZARNAUD, Christine - SEVIN, Alain. Histoire des polyèdres. Vuibert, Paris, 2009. Historical overview of the polyhedra from its origin to the crossroad of science, philosophy and art. FR

- FERGUSON, Helaman and Claire. Celebrating Mathematics in Stone and Bronze. Notices of the AMS, 57, 7 840-850. Helaman Ferguson’s sculptures in stone and bronze celebrate ancient and modern mathematical discoveries, melding the universal languages of sculpture and mathematics from initial conception through mathematical design and computer graphics to their final form. EN

- GERDES, Paulus. TINHLELO. Interweaving Art and Mathematics. Colorful basket trays from the South of Mozambique. Exhibits and analyses of colored circular winnowing baskets collected by the author since the end of the 1970s. (Lulu, 2010, 132 pages. Color) Foreword by the Hon. Aires Aly, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mozambique. EN

- HUYLEBROUCK, Dirck. Lost in Triangulation. Leonardo da Vinci's Mathematical Slip-Up. EN

- HUYLEBROUCK, Dirck. Buitrago, Antonia. Iglesias, Encarnación. Octagonal Geometry of the Cimborio in Burgos Cathedral. EN

- JABLAN, Slavic. Modularity in Art. Use of several basic elements (modules) for constructing a large collection of different possible (modular) structures. EN
- KALAJDZIEVSKI, Sasho.  An Introduction to Visual Mathematics. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada Math and Art:Cover by Jos Leys. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2008. EN

- LEYS, Jos. Mathematical Imagery. L'art de Francesco Mai. CNRS -FR

- SAXON, Janos Szasz. Polyuniverse toys. 2010. EN

A-2. Media

- BRUNET, Jeremie. Pour aimer les maths. LCI-TF I interview. FR

- BRUNET, Jeremie. Fractal surface animation created with the mandelbulb software. EN

- CONSTANT, Jean. The numbers in Numeric Art. Background for a lecture on digital art processes. EN

- EMETS Eugenia. Intuitive approach to geometric construction. EN

A-3. Software
- BOUSQUET, Geraud. SeamlessMaKer 1.1 . Droste effect (recursive picture), kaleidoscope, mandala, conformal map (topography, projection), cartoon, painting, anaglyph, textures, etc.. FR. EN.

- BOUSQUET, Geraud. Hypatiasoft software . Mathematical visualization software. FR. EN.

- JESSE. Mandelbulb 3D. Window program to generate real 3D views of different fractals. EN
  • Archived publication
A-1. Publication

- BRUTER, Claude P. Eléments pour l'étude de Faisabilité architecturale et muséographique. Rapport ARPAM pour le Ministère de la Recherche (DIST), 1991 - FR
- BRUTER, Claude P. Fine Mathematical Art through the ARPAM Project. EN
- BRUTER, Claude P. The Poincaré Surprises. EN
- BRUTER, Claude P. The Boy Surface in Architecture and Sculpture. EN
- EMMERICH, D. G. Exercices de Géométrie Constructive. Editions de la Vilette, Paris, 1970. FR
- JEENER, Patrice. Espaces Gravés. Cédic-Nathan, Paris, 1986 - FR

- WANG B.-B. Simplexes in tensegrity systems. International Colloquium on Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, Warsaw , (04/12/1998) , vol. 40, 1, 1999 31-75 and 57-64. Tensegrity systems are self-stressed equilibrium pin-jointed cable networks in which a continuous of cables (tensions) are stressed against a discontinuous system of struts; or rather cable networks composed of tensegrity simplexes. EN

A-2. Media

- DELSART Christophe. Modele de surface de Boy pour le parc ARPAM. FR

A-3. Software

  • Classics
A-1. Publication

A-2. Media

A-3. Software

DE -German | EN-English | FR - French



  • Recent publication
MU-1. Publication

- ANDREATTA, Moreno. Mathematica est exercitium musicae. Mathemusical research & its interaction with other disciplines. CNRS-IRCAM 2010. FR

- BRUNER, Robert. Mathematical music visualization: the sphere, the Moore space, the Joker. 2011. EN

- DON Gary W.-MUIR Karyn K.-VOLKGordon B.-WALKER James S. Music : Broken Symmetry, Geometry, and Complexity. Notices of the AMS, *57*, 1 (2010) 30-49. EN

- HOFMAN-JABLAN, Jadranka. Symmetry of Musical Works. Symmetry of rhytm, melodic structure, counterpoint, harmony. EN

- JOHNSON, Tom. Combinatorial designs in my music. EN

- JOHNSON Tom. Mathematical musical archives. EN

- MCM: Mathematics and Computation in Music. Proceedings of the third International Conference of the Mathematics and Computation in Music. Paris, June 15-17, 2011. EN

- SCHNEIDERMAN Rob. "Can One hear the sound of a theorem". Mathematics and music. Notices of the AMS. 8-2011. EN

- TYMOCZKO Dmitri. Response to Scheiniderman's Can one hear the sound of a theorem. Notices of the AMS. 11-2011. EN

- TYMOCZKO, Dmitri. The Geometry of Musical Chords. (7 July 2006). EN

MU-2. Media

MU-3. Software

  • Archived publication
MU-1. Publication

- HELLEGOUARCH Yves. Un aspect de la théorie des hauteurs. Journée de Théorie des Nombres, Caen , 1980. FR
- HELLEGOUARCH Yves. Gammes. Publications Département de Mathématiques de Caen, Prépublication N°7, 9 Mars 1982. FR
- JOHNSON Tom. Self-Similar Melodies. Two-Eighteen Press, New York, 1996 . EN
- XENAKIS Iannis. Musiques Formelles. Numéro Spécial de la Revue Musicale, Editions Richard-Masse, Paris, 1963. FR

MU-2. Media

MU-3. Software

  • Classics
MU-1. Publication

MU-2. Media

MU-3. Software

DE -German | EN-English | FR - French


  • Recent publication
AS-1 Publication

AS-2 Media

AS-3 Software

  • Archived publication
AS-1 Publication

AS-2 Media

AS-3 Software

  • Classics
AS-1 Publication

AS-2 Media

AS-3 Software



ARS ET MATHESIS: (Dutch Foundation for the advancement of Art inspired by mathematics)
DIVULGAMATH (Centro Virtual de Divulgation de las Matematicas)
IMAGINARY MUSEUM. (interactive mathematical art museum)
ISAMA (International Society for the Arts, Mathematics, and Architecture)
MAA (The Mathematical Associaltion of America)
Emden-Weinert, Thomas: Streifzüge durch die abstrakte Skulptur
Friedman, N.A.and Sequinc, H. : Keizo Ushio’s Sculptures, Split Tori and Möbius Bands
Séquin, Carlo H.: Sculptures
Ushio, Keizo: Sculptures
Leys, Josh: Mathematical imagery
Zalaya Ricardo & Barrallo Javier: Classification of Mathematical Sculpture

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