ESMA is open to individuals and institutions that wish to work or be associated with the objectives of the Society, regardless of their nationality.
ESMA is composed of:
- Honorary Members: individuals and/or institutions that have rendered significant service to the Society and have been elected by the Board of Directors
- Supporting Members: individuals and/or institutions that are contributing to the Society's projects and have been approved by the Board of Directors.
- Active Members:
- Regular member: Individuals paying their annual dues at the regular rate and/or discounted rate for students and low income households
- Transfer: Individuals who paid their dues to other institutions that have established reciprocal agreements with the Society.
- Institutional members: institutions wishing to join the Society and upon approval by the Board of Directors.
- Annual dues:
- Individual : € 30.
- Collective (public & private organization) : € 100.
Membership in ESMA gives you access to all information and resource shared by the members of the Society, monthly newsletter update, calendar of event and privileged participation in lectures, exhibits and other activities organised by ESMA as well as grant and sponsorhsip advisement for personal and institutional projects.
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