THE TRI-DISTRICT CONFERENCE BACKGROUND In 1989-90 the 5520 District Governor Sonny Brown and the 4110 District Governor Boni Mora initiated a joint Conference between our district and the Mexican district to our immediate South. The purpose of the conference was to encourage international cooperation through fellowship, and by creating humanitarian grants to benefit the poor and needy. Over the years this conference has led to many mutually beneficial activities between the two districts. In 2002, PDG Bonnie Fairall got together with PDG Thompson and invited District 5470 to join what became the first Tridistrict conference in Chihuahua, Mexico. This year's celebration is being hosted by District 5520 in Las Cruces, NM.
Through fellowship and festivities, mutual understanding and caring has become the predominant characteristic of exchange between the 3 districts. There has been an increasing participation in grants for such projects as homes for orphans and street children, assistance for the deaf, operations for cleft palates, medical facilities and equipment, literacy projects, clean drinking water, safe housing, parks and much more. Each year the number of Rotarians from districts 4110, 5470, 5520 who have participated has grown; the total dollars invested in human lives increased. This, in itself, is a remarkable accomplishment.
The conference provides the opportunity to learn matching grant procedures and find other clubs that are interested in promoting similar projects. Registration, hotels and grant proposal submittals can all be done online.